Reserves — latest ecology news

The struggle for the Bilichan forest lasted for about 14 years

The bright pink color of the birds is due to their diet

Ukraine should increase the territory of protected lands to 20% of the total area of the country

People assumed that the mother was killed

Kosa has been fully occupied since June 2022

Flooding the Nice Park would destroy hundreds of rare species of animals and plants and a cultural heritage site

The toloka took place during the working hours of the ministry

Developers have repeatedly "encroached" on Galerny Island

Pavel Yakymenko's father Vitaly has an 8.3% stake in the mining company

The national park is almost completely mined and heavily contaminated with explosive devices

The document was criticized by people's deputies and members of the eco-committee, Yulia Ovchynnikova and Olena Kryvoruchkina

The document contains a number of negative norms