Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine — latest ecology news

Russia destroys Ukrainian nature reserves – Strilets
Russia destroys Ukrainian nature reserves – Strilets

The occupiers use the reserves as military bases and "parking lots" for tanks

The Ministry of Environment has published new updated BATM for steel industry
The Ministry of Environment has published new updated BATM for steel industry

The European Commission did not approve the BATM for ferrous steel industry

Strilets called catastrophic global risks from the actions of the occupiers at the Kakhovskaya HPP
Strilets called catastrophic global risks from the actions of the occupiers at the Kakhovskaya HPP

Water from the Kakhovsky Reservoir is used to irrigate fields, and the food security of a number of countries around the world depends on Ukraine.

The Ministry of Environment will discuss the National Cadastre of Emissions and Absorption
The Ministry of Environment will discuss the National Cadastre of Emissions and Absorption

Submission of the National Cadastre to the Secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is part of Ukraine's international obligations

Portugal will help Ukraine launch a trading system for emissions quotas
Portugal will help Ukraine launch a trading system for emissions quotas

At the meeting, they discussed assistance with improving the legislation for the formation of an effective water policy

The website of the Ministry of Environment went down again after several hours of work
The website of the Ministry of Environment went down again after several hours of work

Representatives of the ministry have repeatedly stated that digitization is an unchanging priority of the Ministry of Environment

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the anti-corruption program for the environment
The Cabinet of Ministers approved the anti-corruption program for the environment

In recent years, the Ministry of Environment has been implementing anti-corruption measures related to digitalization and deregulation

People's deputies Tyshchenko and Negulevskyi got into a scandal with the Ministry of Ecology: a video appeared on the Internet
People's deputies Tyshchenko and Negulevskyi got into a scandal with the Ministry of Ecology: a video appeared on the Internet

The activities of the Ministry of Natural Resources are related to the extraction of oil, gas, forests, the activities of enterprises, etc

The website of the Ministry of Environment has been down for the third week
The website of the Ministry of Environment has been down for the third week

Since February 23, lawyers and companies have not had access to documentation critical to their activities

Russia uses Crimean reserves to legalize annexation in the eyes of the UN – ecoactivists
Russia uses Crimean reserves to legalize annexation in the eyes of the UN – ecoactivists

The UNEP Assembly Bureau includes the Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, who should monitor these issues