Landfills — latest ecology news

The military tries to take out the garbage on its own whenever possible

The content of ammonium in the soil exceeded the norm by 11 times, and BSK5 in water – by 16 times

To solve the problem, you need to build a waste processing or waste incineration plant

This poses a threat to the environment and the health of community residents

The risk of contamination of the surrounding territories from the landfill has existed for 50 years

The project of the Cabinet of Ministers resolution "On the creation and administration of the waste management information system" has been developed

Such regulation is part of the waste management reform

New waste after sorting will be taken to the Stryi landfill

According to the media, we are talking about a local deputy, head of KP "Posluga" Ruslan Niyazov

The Chernivtsi community will receive 13% of the amount from each kilowatt of electricity produced

A chain of several performers increases the tariff for the removal of household waste by 20-30%

The cost of the project reaches €2.5 million