Forests — latest ecology news

The fire destroyed almost 50 hectares of forest

This is the second attempt of Geosend to create a quarry

The documentation of the Ministry of Environment does not indicate that the forestry territory is included in the national park

The forest could become a place for future construction

Perpetrators face up to 10 years in prison

Pristine forests absorb 2 gigatons of carbon each year

Forestry should have voluntarily compensated for the damage, but did not do so

The illegal felling of trees could have been committed by one of the local residents, which should be established by the investigation

The perpetrators received over 80,000 hryvnias for one deal

The perpetrator faces up to 10 years in prison

Ukrainians are urged to follow the rules during the fire period

Officials issued permits for logging in the territory of the national park, which has not been part of the forestry for 20 years