Environment — latest ecology news

Only 9% of the world's plastic waste is recycled, and the rest ends up in landfills or incinerators

The ban was suspended at the start of a full-scale invasion to deal with the fuel crisis

In 2021, dust pollution caused 253,000 premature deaths in Europe, including 1,200 deaths of children

There are 3 more cases of this category under consideration in the courts, and prosecutors have prepared 4 similar lawsuits

This will simplify monitoring and control by the public, anti-corruption organizations and the eco-community

Environmental crimes can be reported through the "EkoZagroza" mobile application and "hot lines"

Removing unnecessary information from gadgets will allow you to unload the database centers

Each year, 176,000 metric tons of plastic pellets enter the environment

In Great Britain, the government set the example of the development of wind energy in Ukraine

The implementation of EU legal acts into the legislation of Ukraine will require significant systemic changes

4 enclosures for various animals have already been set up in Cheremsky National Park

Over the past 10 years, developers have destroyed more than 700 hectares of Kyiv parks