Climate change — latest ecology news

He spoke with journalists about a number of important topics, including climate change and the war in Ukraine

Floods and storms are a major cause of climate-related hazards in Asia

Barbados, like many other island countries, is particularly vulnerable to climate change

Over the next 25 years, climate change will cause significant economic losses in almost every country in the world

Climatologists call for an urgent reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases into the air

Extreme summer heat of 2022 increased food inflation in Europe by about 0.6%

If the global temperature rises by 2°C, climate change will become inevitable

The economic impact of cherry blossoms in Japan in 2023 was estimated at $4.1 billion

During the years 2025-2100, the total cost of inaction is estimated at $1266 trillion

5 risk categories require urgent measures

February became the ninth month in a row in which the highest temperatures were recorded in the entire history of observations

This will help mitigate the greenhouse effect and the negative impact on the planet's ozone layer