Climate change — latest ecology news

Biden is ready to use every tool available to fight climate change

China's green transition is unique, because its industry accounts for more than a quarter of GDP

Biden called climate change literally an existential threat to the nation and the world

An important prerequisite for the success of many climate technologies is the expansion of capacities for the production and storage of renewable electricity

Recently, the Vatican joined the Paris Agreement

The memorandum includes cooperation at the interagency level and the attraction of private investments

The EU accounts for approximately 10% of global deforestation

During the operation of the gas-fired boiler room, about 348 tons of pollutants per year and more than 198.3 thousand tons of greenhouse gases per year are released, while fuel oil - more than 5.6 thousand tons of pollutants per year and more than 304 thousand tons of greenhouse gases per year

Mushrooms can help increase soil fertility and reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere

If 20 out of the 27 EU member states do not oppose the proposal, it will be passed into law

The extreme conditions led to an approximate 30% reduction in the seasonal harvest

Such a decision will deepen dependence on the Russian Federation and negatively affect climate change