Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine — latest ecology news

The requirements for a number of different types of felling are prescribed quite abstractly

The reform also provides for encouraging Ukrainians to install solar panels along with individual energy storage facilities

Krasnolutskyi was the deputy minister of environmental protection and natural resources during the tenure of minister Roman Abramovskyi

The draft law supplements the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses with a new article

It is proposed to establish liability for non-disclosure of information subject to mandatory publication

The document was criticized by people's deputies and members of the eco-committee, Yulia Ovchynnikova and Olena Kryvoruchkina

Monitoring will not be mandatory for existing installations

This will allow to attract additional financing for the post-war "green" recovery

The plan of priority actions for 2023 includes environmental protection

In recent years, the Ministry of Environment has been implementing anti-corruption measures related to digitalization and deregulation

Since December 2020, Zamazeyeva has been the head of the Mykolaiv Regional Council

From now on, it is necessary to additionally submit an energy certificate for construction projects