BREFs — latest ecology news

The period of transition to the new rules of operation will depend on the type of installation

The Law of Ukraine "On Integrated Prevention and Control of Industrial Pollution" will come into force on August 8 this year

The relevant ministry plans to finalize the preparation of all necessary regulatory acts by August 8

EU member states still have a little more than 17 months to transpose it into national legislation

They should reduce the impact of these industries on the environment and human health

Representatives of government, business, scientists and experts worked together on the document

Its development is provided for in the final provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Integrated Prevention and Control of Industrial Pollution"

Among other things, we discussed in detail one of the most pressing issues that worries industry representatives – the implementation of BATM and obtaining integrated environmental permits

Representatives of government, business, scientists and experts worked together on the document

It will help determine and evaluate the environmental performance of innovative industrial technologies in Europe and beyond

EU countries have 22 months to implement new norms and approaches

In the near future, the need to ensure compliance with new environmental requirements raises a lot of questions for domestic stakeholders