Bosom — latest ecology news

About 300 m3 of subsoil were mined in two months

This could destroy 1,343 species of plants and animals

Amber was mined in the Rivne Reserve and the Klesiv Forest with the help of environmentally hazardous soil leaching

The survey materials and calculations of the amount of damages were handed over to law enforcement agencies

Out of 162 conclusions of the Ministry of Environment, not a single refusal was given on the grounds of forest preservation

Vegetation began to recover in the reserve after illegal amber mining

Eco-activists fear that the narodniks will eventually return to their plans

A list of minerals for mining has already been created for the Zaporizhzhia region

A claim for damages will be sent to the violator

The compensated damages will be collected in favor of the Onokiv village council

This is the second attempt of Geosend to create a quarry

The depth of the pit reached 5 meters