Biodiversity — latest ecology news
The EC's nature restoration initiative will be the first such EU law
This will help prevent the extinction of millions of native species of animals, plants and insects
When it comes to the environment, the war is not local in nature, because ecosystems cannot be divided by conditional boundaries, and if the natural balance in one geolocation is destroyed, it will definitely be felt by another
A large number of animals die from constant shelling and rocket attacks
The number of birds, butterflies and other creatures is declining in the European Union
The actions of Russian troops pose a threat to the security of the entire European continent
Refusing to mow the lawn helps preserve biodiversity
In a low-emission scenario that keeps temperatures rising to 2 ° C, the extinction rate will range from about 4% of natural level to 10%
Sustainable agriculture is a key element of the Green Agreement for a sustainable Europe
Areas should be designated as protected only if it is proven that wildlife is restored in the long run
The loss of a number of insect populations can harm not only nature, but also human health and food security
Hemp is able to absorb more carbon dioxide per hectare than any other commercial crop