Animal cruelty facts — latest ecology news

Not only ordinary Ukrainians but also zoos were reacted to the shocking case, but the perpetrators were dry from the water

Despite the facts of cruelty to animals and disregard for the rules of keeping dolphins in captivity, he continues to work

Trainers often beat animals and starve them

The law enforcement officers opened criminal proceedings on the fact of cruelty to animals

In the summer of 2023, a police report was also filed for this exhibition in Poltava

Hunting under martial law is prohibited

Zoo activists plan to establish similar boards in other regions of Ukraine

The court can refuse even a fine of UAH 17-51

Animal killers face up to 8 years in prison

Fines for violence against animals are proposed to be increased to 268,400 hryvnias

The public calls for the perpetrators to be brought to justice and does not believe in the effectiveness of the police

Ecoactivists are convinced that the Department of Education and Science should not have approved the work of the group