Air — latest ecology news
Polluters will water the streets from April to October
Specialists of the observatory analyzed 1,536 air samples
Compared to the previous week, the level of formaldehyde and nitrogen dioxide pollution increased
Children are especially sensitive to polluted air
Compared to the previous week, the level of formaldehyde and nitrogen dioxide pollution has slightly increased
Compared to the previous week, the level of carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide pollution has slightly increased
Compared to the previous week, the level of carbon monoxide pollution has slightly increased
The draft law supplements the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses with a new article
It is proposed to establish liability for non-disclosure of information subject to mandatory publication
Specialists of the observatory took and analyzed 1,452 air samples
The rocket attack completely destroyed the office and warehouse complex and 60 trucks
Compared to the previous week, the level of sulfur dioxide pollution has slightly decreased