The draft law "On business deregulation" will nullify Ukraine's eco-achievements – UBS shutterstock

The draft law "On business deregulation" will nullify Ukraine's eco-achievements – UBS

Katerina Belousova

Eco-activists believe that the draft law may lead to a violation of Ukraine's international obligations in the field of environmental protection

Ecoactivists from the public organization Ukraine without garbage (UBS) criticized the draft law No. 7689 "On amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine regarding simplification of business conditions (deregulation)".

They believe that the cancellation of a number of permits will nullify the latest achievements in the field of ecology and animal protection and will stand in the way of Ukraine's European integration course, UBS reports on Instagram.

"​We regret that unfounded and downright harmful things are initiated during the war. Moreover, such decisions are justified by the Ministry of Environment, which is even more infuriating," the message says.

Eco-activists listed the permits proposed to be canceled by draft law No. 7689:

  • permission to hunt hunting animals;
  • permission for the right to engage in breeding in semi-free conditions or in captivity of animal species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine;
  • permission to relocate animals to new places of residence, acclimatization of new species of wild animals for the fauna of Ukraine, as well as to carry out measures related to crossbreeding of wild animals;
  • permission to carry out any diagnostic, experimental, testing, measuring work at enterprises, institutions, organizations whose activities are related to the use of biological agents, chemical raw materials, products and substances with sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and radioactive substances;
  • permission to hold events involving animals;
  • permission to conduct scientific experiments on animals;
  • permission to carry out activities aimed at artificially changing the state of the atmosphere and atmospheric phenomena for economic purposes;
  • permission to keep wild animals in captivity.






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Eco-activists believe that the bill may lead to:

  • threats to the life and health of people as a result of uncontrolled experimental or test work using biological agents, chemical raw materials, products and substances with sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and radioactive substances;
  • violation of Ukraine's international obligations in the field of environmental protection;
  • increase in cases of leaving wild animals to their own devices as a result of their uncontrolled breeding and keeping, and other treatment of them;
  • smuggling of protected species of flora and fauna;
  • lack of protection against cruelty to experimental animals and a significant increase in cases of cruelty to them.

As EcoPolitic reported before, eco-activists from the "Ukrainian Environmental Protection Group" called Law No. 8058 is fatal for the environment "On accelerated review of instruments of state regulation of economic activity".

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