The agenda of the EcoCommittee of the Verkhovna Rada for April 19

The agenda of the EcoCommittee of the Verkhovna Rada for April 19

Katerina Belousova

The Ecocommittee will consider the laws adopted by the Parliament from February 24, 2022, which contain rules related to the effect of martial law

On Wednesday, April 19, a meeting of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Environmental Policy and Nature Management will be held via video conference at 12:00 p.m.

EcoPolitic has prepared the agenda of the committee for its readers.

The People's Deputies will consider draft law No. 8257 "On Amendments to the Code of Civil Protection of Ukraine on Material and Technical Support of Activities in the Field of Civil Protection" (second reading), in respect of which the ecocommittee is designated as the main committee.

In addition, the eco-committee must submit its proposals to:

  • Draft Law No. 9191 "On amendments to сertain laws of Ukraine regarding priority measures for postwar reconstruction and reconstruction of Ukraine";
  • Draft Law No. 9111 "On aamendments to сertain legislative acts on simplifying the procedure for importing, accounting and distribution of humanitarian aid";
  • Draft Law No. 9066 "On amendments to сertain laws of Ukraine on Improving Safety in Railway Transport";
  • Draft Law No. 9067 "On amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses Regarding Strengthening Liability for Interference with Railway Transport".

People's deputies will also consider the following issues:

  • regarding the laws of Ukraine adopted by the parliament in the period from February 24, 2022, which contain norms related to the effect of martial law in Ukraine;
  • about the letters of the Ministry of Environment dated 16.03.2023 No. 25/7-14/3983-23 and People's Deputy of Ukraine L.V. Vasylenko dated 04/07/2023 No. 224d9/5-2023/71618 regarding the National Inventory of Anthropogenic Emissions from Sources and Absorption by Sinks of Greenhouse Gases Not Regulated by the Montreal Protocol for 1990-2021;
  • information about working groups of the ecocommittee.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that the Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management expressed its lack of confidence in Ihor Zubovych, the acting Head of the State Environmental Inspection, after his report on the results of work for the year.

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Parliamentary Ecological Committee to meet on March 3: agenda

MPs to consider a high-profile issue of recovering damages from local communities for illegal logging on their territory

The Ecocommittee supported the National Program for Radioactive Waste Management
The Ecocommittee supported the National Program for Radioactive Waste Management

Among other things, it involves conducting state inventory of this type of waste