The agenda of the EcoCommittee of the Verkhovna Rada for May 17

The agenda of the EcoCommittee of the Verkhovna Rada for May 17

Katerina Belousova

People's deputies will consider the report of the head of the State Nuclear Regulatory Commission on the results of work in 2022

On Wednesday, May 17, a meeting of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Environmental Policy and Nature Management will be held via video conference at 11:00 a.m.

EcoPolitic has prepared the agenda of the committee for its readers.

People's deputies will consider the government draft law No. 8223 "On amendments to some laws of Ukraine regarding the protection of people from the effects of ionizing radiation" in respect of which the ecocommittee is designated as the main one.

In addition, the eco-committee must submit its proposals to:

  • Draft Law No. 0204 "On ratification of the Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur additional protocol on liability and compensation to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety";
  • Draft Law No. 9194 "On amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses to Strengthen Liability for Violation of Legal Requirements in the Field of Registration of Emissions and Transfer of Pollutants and Waste";
  • draft law No. 9217 "On improving the use of defense lands";
  • draft law No. 9282 "On ensuring the development of shipping on inland waterways";
  • draft law No. 9283 "On regulation of activities in the sphere of life protection and search and rescue of people at sea";
  • draft law No. 9284 "On amendments to Article 284 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding the liability of ship captains for failure to provide assistance to people who are or have been in distress".

People's deputies will also consider the report of the acting head of the State Nuclear Regulation Inspection of Ukraine - the Chief State Inspector of Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Ukraine, Oleg Korikov, on the results of work in 2022.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that the Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management expressed its lack of confidence in the acting Head of the State Environmental Inspection Igor Zubovich after his report on the results of work for the year.

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Parliamentary Ecological Committee to meet on March 3: agenda

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The Ecocommittee supported the National Program for Radioactive Waste Management
The Ecocommittee supported the National Program for Radioactive Waste Management

Among other things, it involves conducting state inventory of this type of waste