A photo trap captured an almost extinct species of forest cat. Photo fact

A photo trap captured an almost extinct species of forest cat. Photo fact

Elizaveta Volkotrub

The forest cat is the ancestor of domestic cats

In the Ternopil region, in the Medobory Nature Reserve, a camera trap captured a Forest Cat. This species is very rare and is listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine, the IUCN Red List, CITES, and as a species subject to special protection under the Bern Convention.

This was reported by the Medobory Nature Reserve on Facebook.

The forest cat is a predatory mammal that appeared about 650 thousand years ago. They are noted for their timidity and caution and quickly change their habitat in case of any danger. As a rule, they live a solitary life, and they use smells to communicate with other members of their species. Each cat has a territory of about 10 km² and chooses old trees with a hollow for settling.

They hunt mainly small rodents, birds, insects, snakes, and fish in coastal areas. Experienced representatives of the species can even eat the meat of small martens. Forest cats benefit the ecosystem by controlling rodent populations, which are pests for forests and agriculture.

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