The Ministry of the Environment explained how to conduct public EIA hearings according to the new rules

The Ministry of the Environment explained how to conduct public EIA hearings according to the new rules

Katerina Belousova

Conducting ATS in the territories in the war zone is possible under certain conditions

In Ukraine, on July 29, the new Law No. 3227-IX "On environmental impact assessment" entered into force, due to which, from July 31, the public discussion of the report on environmental protection will take place according to new rules.

During martial law, public hearings will be held via video conference, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources informs.

It is noted that from now on, in the announcement about the start of public discussion, the business entity must indicate:

  • information about the date and time of public hearings;
  • a link to connect to a video conference (such a link is created by the relevant authorized body).

In the message, it was emphasized that in the territorial communities located in the war zone or under temporary occupation, the EIA of the planned activity is not carried out.

The press service explained that conducting EIA in the territories in the combat zone is possible under certain conditions. Namely, if the state authorities of Ukraine exercise their powers there and there is an opportunity to ensure that the procedure is carried out in accordance with the Law.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, on July 13, the Verkhovna Rada voted in the second reading for draft law No. 8410 "On amendments to the law of Ukraine "On Environmental Impact Assessment", which in particular shortens the duration of the procedure EIA from 216 to 67 days.

The Ministry of Environment presented a new register on environmental impact assessment
The Ministry of Environment presented a new register on environmental impact assessment

The updated procedure made it possible to shorten the terms of the ATS and change the methods of informing the public