For the first time in Ukraine, Kyiv bans jeep riding on protected lands

For the first time in Ukraine, Kyiv bans jeep riding on protected lands

Katerina Belousova

Deputies of the Kyiv City Council also approved the creation of 7 new protected areas

The Kyiv City Council has passed a ban on jeeping, i.e. riding ATVs, cars, buggies, etc., on the territory of nature reserves.

This is the first such ban in Ukraine, which will significantly strengthen the protection of protected areas, Kyiv City Council member Ksenia Semenova wrote on Facebook.

She said that this decision was supported by 69 members of the Kyiv City Council.

Semenova emphasized that the Muromets-Lopokhuvate and Osokorkivski Luki nature reserves in Kyiv suffered the most from jeeping.

"I'm glad that the capital is creating environmental trends. I hope it will be like this in the future," she said.

As you know, on February 19, the Verkhovna Rada registered draft law No. 11024 "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine", which provides for the prohibition of jeeping in nature conservation areas and strict liability for this.

Such entertainment causes significant damage to nature, because cars destroy landscapes and soils, which contributes to erosion. Jeeping disrupts animal and plant habitats and has a particularly negative impact on rare and vulnerable species.

IN The Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center was told that the deputies also agreed at the session of the Kyiv Council creation of 7 new protected objects, namely:

  • Natural monument "Bilohorodsky Val";
  • Natural monument "Makarov Mound";
  • Nature monument "Cherry Forest Queen";
  • Natural monument "Group of old trees of the manor of Count Ksaverii Branytskyi";
  • Landscape reserve "Snake ramparts near the village of Zavalivka";
  • Landscape reserve "Snake ramparts near the village of Pashkivka";
  • Nature monument "Riznobarvna".

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, deputies of the Kyiv City Council at the session on February 29 supported the list of environmental protection measures for 2024, which includes restoration of the unique Blue Lake and mercury purification of the industrial site of the "Radykal" plant.

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