TOP-6 advantages of sorting aluminum cans Shutterstock

TOP-6 advantages of sorting aluminum cans

Katerina Belousova

Recycling helps reduce emissions and save water

Experts from the Clean Lutsk Waste Management Center have called on Ukrainians to recycle aluminum beverage cans, as recycling this metal is an important component of sustainable production and consumption.

Recycling of such waste has six advantages for reducing the anthropogenic burden on the environment, according to the Clean Lutsk Facebook page.

Top 6 benefits of aluminum recycling:

  • conservation of resources – the use of secondary raw materials avoids the extraction of new bauxite and reduces the pressure on natural resources;
  • energy efficiency – aluminum recycling requires significantly less energy compared to production from primary raw materials, providing savings in production costs;
  • reducing emissions – the recycling process helps to reduce emissions into the atmosphere and save water, which contributes to sustainable development and improving the quality of the environment;
  • economic benefits – the use of secondary raw materials contributes to the creation of jobs and supports economic development through cost optimization;
  • long-term sustainability – storage and use of already existing aluminum extends its life cycle, ensuring the sustainability of resource use;
  • waste reduction – aluminum recycling reduces the burden on landfills and landfills, i.e. the negative impact on the environment.

WMC accepts aluminum cans and other aluminum waste every day without weekends from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the address: Trunkina, 7.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, residents of Lutsk during the first year of operation of the Waste Management Center "Clean Lutsk" handed over 15.7 tons of waste and about 10 m3 of organic matter for processing.

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