TOP-6 feature films about ecology and the fight against polluting corporations

TOP-6 feature films about ecology and the fight against polluting corporations

Katerina Belousova

The selection covers 3 cartoons and 3 films from 1992 to 2019

The cinema repeatedly drew attention to large and small problems of society, and also showed how important the role of one person can be.

EcoPolitic has prepared for its readers TOP-6 films and cartoons about environmental problems and the inextricable connection of "everything with everything".

  • "Rainforest: The Story of Fern Valley";

A cartoon from 1992 that I liked 84% of Google users. It was filmed with the support of Greenpeace based on the stories of Diana Young.

According to the plot, an evil spirit of violence, named Hexus, escaped from the center of the Earth and began to destroy forests. And only by turning to the magical forces of nature, the forest dwellers managed to imprison him inside an old giant tree. But many years later, humans start destroying the rainforest with their bulldozers and accidentally free the Hexus.

  • "Princess Mononoke";

A Japanese cartoon from 1997 that I liked 94% to Google users, from anime master Hayao Miyazaki. In all his films, environmental protection is the most important theme. And "Princess Mononoke" is no exception. This is an epic tale about the confrontation between nature and civilization.

  • "WALL-I";

2008 sci-fi animated film liked by 92% of Google users. The tape tells about the apocalyptic future of the Earth, in which people have left the planet due to a huge amount of unprocessed household waste. Small robots remain on the planet, trying to clean the Earth of garbage. One day, the WALL-I robot finds the first green sprout in decades.

  • "Erin Brockovich";

2000 movie that 89% of Google users liked. It tells the story of a single young mother of three children. She works in a law office turns out to be a huge corporation that pollutes the environment with toxic chromium. Because of this, the residents of the town next to the production are sick with cancer and do not even know about the hidden threat. Brockovich single-handedly collects the necessary data and documents to make the polluter answer for such negligence.

  • "Dark Waters"

A 2019 film that tells the story of corporate lawyer Robert Bilott. A man has revealed the connection between a series of mysterious deaths and a large number of illnesses in a small town and the chemical company DuPont, which has been illegally dumping chemical compounds into rivers for several decades. The lawyer starts a fight for the disclosure of facts about chemical pollution of water resources. The lawsuit against DuPont resulted in a payout of more than $600 million in 2017.

I liked the tape 85% to users Google

  • "The city through the eyes of a cat";

A 2018 documentary that shows that cities don't just belong to people. In the morning, the cat leaves the cozy apartment and wanders the streets of the city. Cat sees that millions of living creatures are neighbors in the streets and canals of Amsterdam, some feel quite comfortable here, while others have to fight for survival every day.

85% of Google users liked the tape.

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