The Verkhovna Rada adopted draft laws "On protection against ionizing radiation": what will change

The Verkhovna Rada adopted draft laws "On protection against ionizing radiation": what will change

Katerina Belousova

Parliament also adopted draft law No. 5839 "On regulation in the field of GMOs"

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the second reading and as a whole the European integration government bill No. 8223 "On the protection of humans from the effects of ionizing radiation".

The corresponding decision was supported by 274 people's deputies, the representative of the government in the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnychuk reports in Telegram.

He said that the document provides:

  • clarifying and concretizing the powers of the Cabinet of Ministers, central executive bodies, local executive bodies, the National Commission for Radiation Protection of the Population;
  • introduction of three exposure situations (planned, existing and emergency);
  • establishment of basic dose limits of effective and equivalent dose for personnel and population;
  • introduction of limit doses in the situation of planned forecasting for personnel and population, reference levels for situations of existing and emergency forecasting;
  • determination of the main measures for the justification and optimization of protection and safety measures for medical provision, etc.

Melnychuk noted that the Verkhovna Rada also adopted draft law No. 5839 "On state regulation of genetic engineering activities and state control over the circulation of genetically modified organisms and genetically modified products to ensure food safety." The corresponding decision was supported by 276 people's deputies.

The document provides:

  • comprehensive regulation of legal and organizational foundations of genetic engineering activities;
  • ensuring the food security of the state by implementing state supervision (control) over the use of genetically modified organisms and the circulation of genetically modified products.

As reported by EcoPolitics earlier, the Verkhovna Rada adopted draft law No. 0204 "On Ratification of the Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur Additional Protocol on Liability and Compensation to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety". This will allow the introduction of international biosafety regulations regarding GMOs.

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The Ecocommittee supported the National Program for Radioactive Waste Management

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