The Ukrainian market will be freed from particularly dangerous chemicals shutterstock

The Ukrainian market will be freed from particularly dangerous chemicals

Anna Velyka

This will become another element of the European-oriented national chemical safety system that our country is building

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Procedures for Issuing Permits for the Use of Poisonous Chemical Substances and Particularly Dangerous Chemical Substances, which are withdrawn from the market.

The corresponding message appeared on the government website in the evening of August 2.

This decision aims to gradually remove dangerous chemicals from the Ukrainian market, if safer and more effective alternatives exist for them.

The new permit procedure in Ukraine meets the requirements of the European regulation REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals) and will allow us to fulfill one of our country's European integration obligations.

"Under the new rules, a permit will only be issued for the temporary use by businesses of particularly hazardous chemicals until companies find or develop safer alternatives. This will stimulate the market for innovative solutions, as well as increase the level of protection of people and the environment from possible negative impact", – explained the decision taken by the Deputy Minister of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine Olena Kramarenko.

She said that before the beginning of the reform, a situation arose in our country, when particularly dangerous substances, which were removed from the markets of other countries, were exported to the national market without control. At the same time, the assessment of the danger of chemical substances was carried out only in relation to the impact on human health, without taking into account risks for the environment. Olena Kramarenko assured that the situation should change with the introduction of new rules.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, in December 2022, Ukraine adopted a framework European integration document – the Law "On Ensuring Chemical Safety and Management of Chemical Products". It is the basis for the construction of a national system of management of chemical substances according to the European model.

In May, we told that the government approved Technical regulation of hazard classification, labeling and packaging of chemical products. With this document, he implemented the norms of the European Regulation CLP (Classification, Labeling, Packaging). And July 23 The Cabinet implemented the European REACH regulation on the safety of chemical products.

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