The head of the forest farm appropriated land and property worth UAH 3 million

The head of the forest farm appropriated land and property worth UAH 3 million

Anna Velyka

At least 4 other people are involved in the arrangement

Employees of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) together with the Security Service of Ukraine completed a pre-trial investigation into the head of the state enterprise "Slav Forestry", who appropriated land and property of the forest farm in the resort area of ​​Lviv region.

This was reported to the SBI.

The intruder "cast his eye" on the so-called "forester's house" on one of the plots of the state-owned enterprise subordinate to him. After reconstruction at the expense of forestry, the area of ​​the building was more than 200 square meters, and the total value of the land and the house was estimated at over UAH 3 million.


In order to get a "tidy" in the resort zone, the official used his position as the chairman of the permanent commission on land use of the village council of the Slavska united territorial community of the Lviv region. On behalf of his wife, he applied to the village council for permission to prepare a land management project for the allocation of a plot of land for personal farming.


During the drafting of the project, the three land surveying engineers hired by the attacker "forgot" to indicate that the land together with the building belongs to the forest farm. On the basis of this forged document, the Slavska village council granted land to the official's wife. But the perpetrators' spouses failed to register the ownership of the land, as they were exposed by law enforcement officers.

Now a merry company of 5 people – the head of the forest farm, his wife and three corrupt engineers – has been charged with forgery and use of forged documents, possession of property by abuse of office by a group of persons, and official forgery (parts 1, 4 Article 358, Article 15, Article 2, Article 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The sanction of the articles provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to 12 years.

The SBI reported that the pre-trial investigation is ongoing. Law enforcement officers are identifying all persons involved in the illegal arrangement.

We will remind you about the announcement of suspicion against 5 persons involved in this case the Office of the Prosecutor General reported in March of this year. The decision to transfer the land to the wife of the head of the forest farm was approved in February 2022. Prosecutors said that in order to cover up illegal actions at the request of the deputy's wife, the village council canceled its previous decisions.

Earlier, EcoPolitic talked about the head of the Khotynskyi National Nature Park, who "burnt" on a bribe in $65,000. We also wrote about the fact that the leader and three members of an organized criminal group, who held positions in the state-owned enterprise "Kutske lisove hodstvo" and engaged in illegal logging since 2018, will appear before the court

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