The first Ukrainian biomethane started to enter the national gas transportation system

The first Ukrainian biomethane started to enter the national gas transportation system

Anna Velyka

This is currently the only similar experience for the energy industry of Ukraine

The VITAGRO group of companies, together with the specialists of the Khmelnytskyi timing operator, supplied domestic biomethane to the Ukrainian gas transportation system for the first time.

This was reported by the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine.

The biomethane plant is currently operating at 60-70% of its planned capacity. It supplies approximately 6,000 cubic meters to the timing belt. m of fuel. The company plans to reach full capacity by the end of October this year.

The total amount of investments in this biomethane plant is €6 million. The company plans to return these investments in 5 years of its full operation.

The biogas plant will operate on both its own and purchased raw materials. First of all, these are livestock and crop production waste. In addition to biomethane, the enterprise will produce solid and liquid digestate, which will be used as organic fertilizer.

VITAGRO also plans to export the produced biomethane. The company already has all the necessary permits and currently accumulates sufficient volumes of fuel in gas storages to be able to sell biomethane to foreign buyers.

"If the procedure works correctly, then in November we will be able to talk about the first experience of exporting Ukrainian biomethane abroad," says Volodymyr Ivakhiv, head of the VITAGRO group's renewable energy department.

According to experts' estimates, already this year Ukraine can reach an annual volume of production and export at the level of 80-100 million cubic meters. m of gas.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, on September 17, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved a new edition of the Procedure for functioning of the biomethane register, which adapted it to European requirements.

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