The dirtiest and cleanest rivers of Lviv region are named shutterstock

The dirtiest and cleanest rivers of Lviv region are named

Anna Velyka

Compared to last month, water quality in 5 rivers has improved, and in 4 it has worsened.

In August, the Basin Department of Water Resources of the Western Bug and Syana Rivers monitored the quality of surface waters of 23 water bodies belonging to the basins of these rivers. The water of the island was recognized as the cleanest. Svityaz.

About the results of the study management reported on your website.

Experts determined the physical, chemical and chemical characteristics of water quality. Among them are the contents:

  • organic and biogenic substances;
  • pesticides;
  • heavy metals;
  • polyaromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons;
  • alkylphenols;
  • trichlorobenzenes;
  • medicines.

The department said that within the Western Bug and Syan basins there are 8 observation points in transboundary areas and one site at the drinking water intake site.

According to the analysis results, the best water quality was observed in Lake Svityaz.

The worst water quality was:

  • in the river Poltva – according to the content of dissolved oxygen, organic, nutrients, surfactants, pesticides;
  • in the river Western Bug below the mouth of the river. Poltva – according to the content of dissolved oxygen, organic, nutrients and pesticides;
  • in the river Pig (below the city of Zhovkva) – according to the content of organic and biogenic substances, polyaromatic hydrocarbons;
  • in the river Marunka (below the city of Vinniki) – in terms of the content of organic and biogenic substances, volatile hydrocarbons;
  • in the river Malekhovka (village Malekhov) – according to the content of organic substances.

Experts compared the analysis data with monitoring results in July and noted an improvement in water quality in the following watercourses:

  • r. Poltva;
  • r. Western Bug below the mouth of the river. Poltva (Busk, Kamenka-Bugskaya, Stary Dobrotvor village);
  • r. Zolochevka;
  • r. Malehovka;
  • r. Yarichevka.

During the same period, water quality deteriorated in:

  • r. Svynie;
  • r. Moshchanka;
  • r. Vishne (on the border area);
  • r. Shklo.

Water quality in other rivers has not changed.

Early September EcoPolitic prepared detailed material on the causes and consequences pollution of the Seim and Desna rivers, the cause of which was untreated wastewater from a sugar factory in the Russian city of Tetkino. Later we talked about the fact that at the upper points of monitoring the water quality of the Seimas in the area up to the village. Mutyn specialists observed repeated deterioration of water quality.

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