The damage to the nature of the Kinburn Spit after the occupation will be estimated in billions

The damage to the nature of the Kinburn Spit after the occupation will be estimated in billions

Anna Velyka

Kinburn will take decades to recover

Specialists from the nature reserve fund located on the Kinburn Spit spoke about the consequences of the occupation of the peninsula by Russian troops. According to them, fires cause the greatest damage to the spit's nature.

Ukrinform writes about the desecration of this pearl of Mykolaiv region.

After Ukraine declared its independence, the Kinburn Spit Regional Landscape Park was created on the peninsula, and in 2009, the Sviatoslav Biloberezhzhia National Nature Park was created. Their employees were engaged in preserving the nature of Kinburn. And now they use satellite images to monitor the destruction of protected areas' ecosystems.

"According to satellite images, it is possible to accurately determine the extent of fires and damage caused to the environment by explosions and the movement of military equipment. Remote sensing allows you to observe the dynamics of changes. From space, it is clear what damage has been done to forest plantations, steppes, and wetlands," says Oleg Derkach, head of the Mykolaiv branch of the National Ecological Center of Ukraine.

Factors that hurt Kinbourn

1. Fires

Oleg Derkach says that fires cause the greatest damage to the nature of the peninsula. Since the beginning of the full-scale war on the Kinburn Peninsula, more than 180 of them have been recorded by satellite.

"Such a scale of fires on Kinbourn was never seen in its entire history. Huge areas are affected by the fire, 60% of the land in the National Park has burned. Areas in the area of ​​the Volyzhyn forest caught fire several times. This unique natural corner has been preserved since Gilea – a huge ancient forest massif that dominated the lower reaches of the Dnieper in ancient times. A 500-year-old oak tree grows here – the oldest in the Mykolayiv region," he says.

Evgeny Kasyanov, a scientific employee of the "Biloberezhya Svyatoslav" NPP, adds that during the full-scale war, the area of ​​fires on the Mykolaiv part of the Kinburn spit amounted to more than 7,214 hectares. Of them:

  • in the National Park "Biloberezhya Svyatoslav" – 6347 hectares;
  • in the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve (Volyzhyn forest) – almost 152 hectares;
  • in RLP "Kinburnska Kosa" – 715 ha.

Repeated fires were recorded on 450-500 hectares.

Nesting places of about 100 species of birds were destroyed in the areas where the fires occurred.

2. Violation of vegetation and soil erosion

They are caused by mass trampling, the movement of jeeps, trucks and heavy tracked machinery. They damage the soil and the fortifications of the occupiers.

3. Constant shelling

Fighting is accompanied by gunshots and explosions. This is a severe stress for animals, fish and birds. V. o. Kostyantyn Redinov, Director of Kinburnska Kosa RLP, says that the sound level during gunshots and explosions can reach 100 decibels, and this is a very powerful effect that prevents birds from nesting and resting. And if you take into account that after each explosion they take off from their nesting places and circle in the sky for a long time, then you should also take into account the factor of constant fatigue. This is particularly detrimental to species that nest in colonies, such as waders and terns.

In addition, "arrivals" are accompanied by an explosive wave, due to which birds, like people, receive a concussion.

4. Land mining

Large species of mammals, such as wolves or foxes, can move overland towards the Kherson region, but the path is complicated by mine barriers. Anti-personnel mines are triggered even when a small animal the size of a fox steps on them.

The situation with mining is complicated by the fact that the Kinburn Peninsula has a specific landscape, in particular the coastline and shoals, which will be difficult to demine.

5. Pollution with fuel and lubricants

Birds, animals, soil, water area adjacent to Kinburn suffer from it. According to Kostiantyn Redinov, if birds fall into an oil film, they lose the ability to fly and die without help.

6. Increase in the water level due to the undermining of the Kakhovskaya dam

Kostyantyn Redinov says that the peak of the water rise in these places – at 1.1 m – was observed on June 8, 2023. About 2,530 hectares of natural complexes on the coast of the Dnipro-Buzka estuary were flooded. This fell on the nesting period, so the bird's offspring died.

Predictions of scientists about the future of the flora and fauna of the Kinburn Spit

Scientists are unanimous in the fact that it is extremely difficult to make predictions about the future now. Everyone agrees that we will learn about the real consequences of the capture of the peninsula by the Russian invaders only after its liberation. At the same time, ecologists will be able to fully calculate the damage caused to the nature of Kinburn.

"And although it is impossible to name the final amount now, we can say with certainty that it will be counted in billions," Oleg Derkach said.

He adds that it is important to calculate damages using methods that meet global requirements. Only then will they be accepted in international courts.

Scientists believe that it will take decades to restore forests. And this – in the best case, if funds are allocated for this immediately after the liberation of the peninsula.

"As for protected steppes, the situation is even worse. The thing is that until now they have never been destroyed, the soils here are very vulnerable and after damage of such a scale, it will take several decades to restore them", – emphasizes Mr. Oleg.

But the scientist assures that, although the Kinburn spit has suffered enormous damage, not everything is so critical. Especially if we take into account that mostly artificial plantations – pine monocultures – burned down. If done right, it can even have a positive effect in the long run. There is a possibility of restoration of the sandy steppe and kolkov forests inherent in this area.

In April 2023, EcoPolitic reported that occupiers completely burned about 8,000 hectares of territory on the Kinburn spit.

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