Special bags for watering trees have started to appear in Kyiv parks and squares Скірншот із відео

Special bags for watering trees have started to appear in Kyiv parks and squares

Anna Velyka

This is a continuation of last year's successful pilot project in the capital

85-liter bags for watering young trees are being installed by Kyivzelenbud employees. They are attached around the trunk and filled with water, which helps maintain optimal soil moisture levels and promotes better plant growth.

This was reported by the Kyivzelenbud utility on its Facebook page.

The system works on the principle of drip irrigation. The water collected in the bag gradually and evenly moistens the tree trunk circle. As a result, plants receive exactly the amount of moisture they need to grow. In addition, the use of such bags saves up to 65% of water compared to conventional watering.

Thanks to the special material used to make the bags, the water does not overheat and provides the trees with the optimal watering temperature.

"Last year, watering bags were installed as part of a pilot project. And this had a positive effect: young trees showed better growth, brighter color and had a healthier appearance. Therefore, this summer we plan to expand the project to all districts of the capital. Watering bags can be seen in green areas in different parts of the city," said Yuriy Bakhmat, general director of the "Kyivzelenbud" association.

In March, EcoPolitic reported that in Kyiv they plan to build a new park near the cultural center of the Darnytskyi Car Repair Plant.

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