The website of the Ministry of Environment has been down for the third week

The website of the Ministry of Environment has been down for the third week

Katerina Belousova

Since February 23, lawyers and companies have not had access to documentation critical to their activities

The official website of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources has been down for 16 days as of Friday, March 10.

The press service of the Ministry of Environment on Telegram cited a cyber attack as the reason for the failure and promised to restore work within a week.

The Ministry of Environment did not provide an explanation regarding the terms of the site's restoration, nor did they say who "hacked" the site.

Since February 23, lawyers and companies have not had access to documentation critical to their activities. And in March, the accounting department must submit some annual and current reports.

The ministry has repeatedly stated that digitalization, despite everything, remains an unchanged priority of the Ministry of the Environment. In particular, Deputy Minister of Environment Protection and Natural Resources for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalization Serhiy Vlasenko said this during the hearings of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Digital Transformation on the topic: "How to spread the basic tools of e-democracy to all territorial communities." The event took place on March 7, by that time the site had been "down" for 13 days.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that due to a cyber attack, the official website of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources has been temporarily down since February 23.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, during the 11 months of the war, the Ministry of Environmental Protection concentrated on calculating the damage from military operations.

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