Prosecutors returned 629 hectares of forest land to the community Shutterstock

Prosecutors returned 629 hectares of forest land to the community

Anna Velyka

Their value is almost UAH 270 million

Specialists Reshetilivska district prosecutor's office defended in the court of appeal the decision to terminate the lease of forest land area of 629 hectares in Reshetilivska city council.

This was reported by the press service of the Poltava regional prosecutor's office.

The Eastern Economic Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the Economic Court of the Poltava Region to satisfy the claim of the Reshetilivka District Prosecutor's Office to terminate the lease of a forest fund land plot worth almost UAH 270 million.

In 2006, the Reshetilovsky district state administration leased it for 25 years to the peasant (farm) farm "S.G.M." The land user violated the terms of the contract: he cut down dead and raw-growing trees on the land. This caused damage to the state for more than 18 million UAH.

That is why the prosecutor's office appealed to the SFG with a lawsuit about the farm's improper performance of its obligations under the contract and use of the land plot in a way that contradicts environmental requirements.

Currently, the defendant has been ordered to return the land plot of the forest fund to the territorial community of Reshetylivka.

However, SFG appealed to the Supreme Court with a cassation appeal. We are waiting for the decision of the higher instance.

As EcoPolitic reported before, prosecutors constantly expose large-scale and systematic offenses against the forest fund. For example, in June, specialists of the Mykolaiv Oblast and Lutsk District Prosecutor's Offices exposed illegal logging of more than UAH 1 million and reclaimed illegally alienated land plots of the forest fund worth more than UAH 7 million and UAH 11 million, respectively, back into the ownership of the state.

Also last month, employees of the Kyiv Regional Prosecutor's Office through the court removed for illegal use of a plot of land of the forest fund with an area of ​​2.5 hectares and a value of almost UAH 50 million, on which the entrepreneur was engaged in fish breeding.

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