President signs law on customs clearance of biomethane shutterstock

President signs law on customs clearance of biomethane

Anna Velyka

The document returned to the parliament with the signature of the head of the country

On Tuesday, May 14, Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed Law No. 3613-IX (Draft Law No. 9456) amending the Customs Code of Ukraine regarding customs clearance of biomethane.

The relevant message is posted on the official website of the Verkhovna Rada.

The signed law regulates the procedure for customs clearance of biomethane exports from Ukraine. According to this regulatory act, customs clearance of this gas will be carried out on the basis of information on its volumes or other types of gas from alternative sources, which, when transported through the gas transmission system, can be replaced by the corresponding volume of natural gas or a mixture of both, at each gas transfer point separately.

The authors of the new law note that today more than 10 agricultural holdings in Ukraine are considering the possibility of entering the biomethane market and are planning the construction of more than 30 biomethane plants with a total production capacity of more than 220 million cubic meters per year, and the issue of entering the European market is very urgent for them .

Lawmakers anticipate that the new law will contribute to:

  • development of a new branch of energy production for Ukraine;
  • fulfillment by our country of international obligations regarding decarbonization;
  • increasing the export potential of Ukraine;
  • compliance with SVAM requirements when exporting products to the EU;
  • attraction of international investments in the development of the domestic energy sphere and restoration of the regions of Ukraine with the involvement of the use of new technologies;
  • substitution of natural gas in various spheres;
  • creation of new jobs;
  • achieving real energy independence of communities, regions and the country as a whole without harming the environment;
  • use of capacities for balancing the energy system;
  • increasing the use and development of GTS.

According to the statistics of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine, there are currently 77 biogas plants in Ukraine. They produce about 260 million cubic meters of fuel per year. This volume can be processed into almost 150 million cubic meters of biomethane.

Experts say that the technically achievable potential for biomethane production in Ukraine is up to 10 billion cubic meters per year. If this industry is systematically developed, then in 2030 the total
domestic biomethane production could reach 1 billion cubic meters per year in 2020.

As EcoPolitic already reported, in November of last year President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky approved the strengthening of the sustainability of the energy system and the development of the biogas industry.

Also, in February of this year, EcoPolitics wrote that azaza123 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved draft law No. 9456 on the export of biomethane456.

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