More than 60 countries have agreed to triple green capacity by 2030 shutterstock

More than 60 countries have agreed to triple green capacity by 2030

Katerina Belousova

The agreement also provides for the doubling of the global annual rate of energy efficiency improvement to 4%

More than 60 countries support the EU, US and UAE agreement to triple the use of renewable energy by 2030 and phase out coal.

This was reported by officials familiar with the matter, reports ET EnergyWorld.

It is noted that the initiator countries rallied support for this pledge ahead of the annual climate summit COP28, which will be held from November 30 to December 12 in Dubai. They will demand its inclusion in the final results of the meeting.

"Increased use of renewable energy sources should be accompanied by a phase-out of coal power, including the end of funding for new coal-fired power plants," the agreement states.

The material said that major developing economies including Nigeria, South Africa and Vietnam, developed countries such as Australia, Japan and Canada, as well as Peru, Chile, Zambia, Barbados and other countries have joined the agreement. Negotiations on the accession of China and India are ongoing.

The agreement also envisages doubling the global annual rate of energy efficiency improvement to 4% per year by 2030.

According to officials, the agreement will set a "positive tone" ahead of days of tense negotiations expected at the climate conference.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that environmental protection ministers of the EU countries have agreed on a joint position for the COP28 international climate conference of the United Nations with softened goals for reducing emissions and phasing out fossil fuels.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, the head of the European Climate Fund (ECF), Professor Laurance Tubiana, stated that Russia, through diplomacy and propaganda, is trying to harm the green transition of Europe and sabotage international climate negotiations.

NGOs called to extend transformation of coal regions until 2035
NGOs called to extend transformation of coal regions until 2035

They also developed their own guidelines for this process 

Global coal consumption reached a historic high thanks to China and India
Global coal consumption reached a historic high thanks to China and India

In America and Europe, the demand for it, on the contrary, is decreasing

The world's demand for fossil fuels continues to grow, – IEA
The world's demand for fossil fuels continues to grow, – IEA

For a very large part of the world's population, coal remains the main type of fuel

G7 countries plan to abandon coal by early 2030s
G7 countries plan to abandon coal by early 2030s

Abandoning the use of coal will be an important step in the implementation of the goals discussed at COP28