The police "closed their eyes" on the cruelty to the creatures in the scandalous dolphinarium – zookeepers

The police "closed their eyes" on the cruelty to the creatures in the scandalous dolphinarium – zookeepers

Katerina Belousova

This caused outrage among netizens

Animal rights activists accused the police of ignoring the facts of animal cruelty at the Nemo dolphinarium in Odesa, where in April bloggers held a photo shoot with the animals in a hotel room.

Also, eco-inspectors were supposed to conduct an inspection at the dolphinarium, but nothing was reported about its results, reports the public organization UAnimals on Facebook.

The authors said that they submitted two appeals regarding the results of the inspection of the State Environmental Inspection. However, the answers have not yet arrived.

"In general, the situation goes under the code name "the investigation is ongoing." But we need results, punishment of the guilty and an end to the exploitation of animals!", they emphasized.

Animal rights activists noted that they are following the development of events and will not let the law enforcement officers "let this case run on the brakes."

The post caused outrage among netizens.

"National Police of Ukraine, will you do your job?" – wrote user Yevhenii Korsunskyi.

"National Police of Ukraine, what about "Nemo"? What about other life affairs? There are enough of them in the regions, unfortunately!"  wrote user Maryna Rudenko.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in April in Odesa in the hotel room of the Nemo Hotel Resort & SPA, the blogger did photo session with two seals and published it online. This caused a wave of outrage over the abuse of animals.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the Odessa dolphinarium "Nemo" reacted to the scandal of a photo session of bloggers with fur seals in a hotel room. The dolphinarium's Facebook page stated that zoo radicals, vegans or vegan minorities deliberately created a fake sensation, and the video was shot unplanned and showed how much the seals from "Nemo" like to play with people.

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