Waste management companies may be outlawed shutterstock

Waste management companies may be outlawed

In Ukraine, not a single landfill has received a permit for waste processing

In a month and a half, Ukrainian waste management companies may be outlawed for failing to obtain a permit to operate. The electronic system through which applications are submitted prevents them from obtaining such permits.

This was reported by Lyudmyla Tsyhanok, President of the Association of Environmental Professionals (PAEW).

The expert said that according to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the time for submitting applications for permits for waste treatment operations expires on June 9. In three and a half months, only two companies have received permits. According to Lyudmyla Tsyhanok, no solid waste landfill has received the appropriate permits.

The "EcoSystem", through which documents are submitted, works with errors. Also, the platform requires documents that are either not provided for in the procedure for issuing, refusing, canceling a permit, or that landfill operators cannot yet have due to the lack of developed rules for technical operation landfills," the expert explained.

Lyudmila Tsyganok believes that in such a situation, enterprises dealing with waste processing will lose the legality of their activities in a month and a half. In addition, it will affect the investment attractiveness of Ukraine for foreign companies.

"With this chaos, a bunch of legal inconsistencies and a discredited reform in the presence of a strong lawyer, unscrupulous business will turn out to be the biggest gainer," the expert emphasizes.

She called on the Ukrainian executive and people's deputies of the environmental committee of the Verkhovna Rada "to react to the collapse, which was deliberately created by the "reformers".

As EcoPolitic previously reported, Lyudmila Tsyganok said that the Ministry of Environment provokes the creation of unauthorized landfills of hazardous waste.

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