The first Trash Killer in Ukraine has already caught more than 20 tons of garbage on the Uda River. Video

The first Trash Killer in Ukraine has already caught more than 20 tons of garbage on the Uda River. Video

Valentina Bokii

Trash Killer was installed so that garbage does not accumulate in the islands and does not poison the river

The first water garbage collector in Ukraine, Trash Killer, installed on the Uda River in Kharkiv 10 months ago, has already caught more than 20 tons of garbage.

Ecoactivist Artem Prykhodko, who initiated the installation of the garbage collector, announced this on his Facebook page. So far, the Trash Killer has proven itself to be an effective watercraft.

He recalled that after the "Clean Uda" volunteers cleared the river of 120 tons of garbage, they decided to design and install the Trash Killer so that the waste does not accumulate in the islands and poison the river.

"I want to thank everyone who took an active part in the installation of the garbage collector and continues to participate in the maintenance of the Trash Killer: the Department of Environmental Protection and Nature Management of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, the utility company "Complex for the operation of water reduction and storm sewer facilities", the enterprise "Zavod Funze." And also to everyone who joined our initiative," Prykhodko wrote.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, engineers from Kharkiv designed the first river garbage collector in Ukraine Trash Killer in August 2021. During the first 2 months of its work from the Uda River, 2.5 baskets of garbage were collected, which consisted of 600 kg of plastic, glass, shoes, reeds, sticks and other waste.

In June 2022, since the beginning of its installation, the fifth cleaning has already been carried out, and the total number of caught garbage amounted to about 15 tons. As of July 2022, its basket was already 150% full.

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