
We are talking about the second compliance period in 2021 and 2022

Among other things, the deputies will touch on the topical issue of noise from electric generators

The leader among renewable energy sources is solar energy

The experts outlined the factors that may call into question the success of the industrial pollution reform in Ukraine

Flocks of horse mackerel, anchovy, and mullet are pleasing to the eye

The main forest management enterprise of the country was included in the column of the people's elected official with the hashtag #дівнизакупівли

The People's Deputy shared insider information about probable personnel reshuffles in the government

Firefighters were notified of the fire today at 08:22

Local authorities and residents are satisfied with the result and plan to expand it

However, not all objects on its territory are already available for viewing

One of the reasons is the positive experience of foreign communities

Humanity also set a new record for consumption