At the COP27 climate summit, India pledged to meet half of its energy needs from non-fossil fuels by 2030
During the year, the basket of the garbage collector was cleaned of household garbage and plant residues 14 times
Without decarbonization of Ukraine, as the largest country in Europe, there will be no carbon neutrality of the continent
The information entered in the Unified Register of the SEO is public and open
The perpetrators violated Article 252 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Deliberate destruction or damage of territories taken under state protection and objects of the nature reserve fund"
Demolition waste can be used in the production of building materials
The company plans to become climate neutral by 2045
Currently, international experts are working on changes to the ERTP Regulation to improve it and align it with the provisions of the Industrial Pollution Directive
Such asphalt is more durable and requires less raw materials
The building will be able to "pay off its carbon debt" and truly be carbon neutral without compensation in a few years
People and animals will be warm if Ukraine receives help to protect itself from terrorists
Currently, the European Commission's proposal is being considered by the member states of the European Union