
Only 8.5% of the ancient forests of Ukraine are under protection

The conclusion of the Department of Internal Affairs and Communications in Ukraine is a permit for 115 types of activities

By the end of the year, 500 million trees are planned to be planted in the country

The resort will be able to accommodate 18,000 vacationers at the same time

The company already uses 80% scrap in production processes

The company plans to increase the energy efficiency of production and use of alternative energy

SPP will save hundreds of thousands of hryvnias from the budget

Silrada allocated funds for the disposal of dangerous chemicals

Three landfills of household waste were discovered on the territory of the Dachna Village Council

In 2024, the company plans to implement medium-sized projects

300 out of 400 manufacturing industry executives support the implementation of CBAM

2 tons of pellets can replace 1 thousand m3 of gas