The occupiers are taking garbage from Russia to the landfills of Donetsk region shutterstock

The occupiers are taking garbage from Russia to the landfills of Donetsk region

Katerina Belousova

The Russians plan to create 2 new landfills for garbage from the Rostov region

Russians take out garbage from Rostov region to landfills for household waste in the occupied Donetsk region.

In this way, they solve the problem of overcrowding of landfills in russia itself, reports the Center for National Resistance.


It is noted that the occupiers plan to build two more training grounds in Donetsk region, which should also serve the Rostov region, which borders the region.

The article emphasized that no new landfills will be built in the Rostov Region itself due to the ecological condition of the region.

"As for the residents of Donetsk region, here the russians have traditionally refused to take into account the opinion of the population of the occupied regions," added the Center of National Resistance.

As you know, the occupiers systematically steal Ukrainian resources, ignore environmental and communal problems. Example, in the occupied Melitopol In the Zaporizhzhia region, the stream of the Molochnaya River silted up, its waters became white, covered with white foam and acquired a sharp unpleasant smell. The probable cause of this pollution was the bursting of the sewage system and the flow of sewage into the river, but the occupiers are doing nothing.

As EcoPolitics reported earlier, near Mariupol, the occupiers began mining granite and sending it to the territory of russia and in the direction of Crimea. This granite will be used for the construction of russian roads.

Mariupol because of the indifference of the invaders is buried in sewage. Photo
Mariupol because of the indifference of the invaders is buried in sewage. Photo

The problem has reached such a scale that even the pseudo-head of the city had to admit it

Occupation authorities brought Mariupol to environmental collapse, – city council
Occupation authorities brought Mariupol to environmental collapse, – city council

At the same time, the occupiers do not even try to eliminate the problems that they themselves have caused

Environmental damage caused by shelling of Kurakhovska TPP amounts to almost UAH 1 billion
Environmental damage caused by shelling of Kurakhovska TPP amounts to almost UAH 1 billion

The information has already been transferred to the Operational Headquarters for the formation of a single register of losses

Restoration of protected forests in Donetsk region begins despite active hostilities
Restoration of protected forests in Donetsk region begins despite active hostilities

Occupiers destroyed more than 10,000 hectares of forest on the territory of the Lyman community