Officials who illegally extracted mineral water worth hundreds of millions of hryvnias were exposed

Officials who illegally extracted mineral water worth hundreds of millions of hryvnias were exposed

Anna Velyka

At the prosecutor's request, the court seized the wells

Investigators of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) uncovered a large-scale scheme for the illegal exploitation of mineral water wells, in which the following were involved: the deputy head of trade unions of Ukraine, managers of one of the trade union associations, managers of a number of state and private sanatoriums.

This was reported to the SBI.

The deputy head of the trade unions, in collusion with the managers of sanatoriums, organized the illegal extraction of mineral water and its subsequent sale.

Photo: DBR.

Photo: DBR.

They involved several private enterprises in the process. They illegally had advantages in purchasing mineral water from the wells of state sanatoriums, bought it at discounted prices and outside the established limits. The obtained water was bottled by the enterprise and sold to trade networks.

Photo: DBR.

The law enforcement officers seized the accounting documentation and recorded the facts of illegal extraction of minerals of national significance.

Photo: DBR.

According to the case materials, the accused may be suspected of:

  • misappropriation or acquisition of property by abuse of official position;
  • abuse of power;
  • official negligence;
  • official forgery;
  • offers or giving undue benefits;
  • creation of a criminal organization;
  • illegal mining.

Photo: DBR.

The pre-trial investigation is conducted according to the following articles: Part 1 of Art. 15, Part 5 of Art. 191, Part 2 of Art. 364, Part 2 of Art. 367, Part 2 of Art. 366, Part 3 of Art. 369, 1, 2 Art. 255, Part 3 of Art. 240, Part 3 of Art. 209 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the articles provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to 12 years.

Previously, EcoPolitic published TOP-10 offenses in the ecosphere for October 10-18. We also reported that 21 million hryvnias are on trial for illegal sand mining turned out to be the head of the quarry in Lviv region.

Major violations in the environmental sphere for December 14-20. Digest
Major violations in the environmental sphere for December 14-20. Digest

Among them are illegal logging and land pollution

The Ecocommittee supported the update of the Program for the Development of the Mineral Resources Base of Ukraine
The Ecocommittee supported the update of the Program for the Development of the Mineral Resources Base of Ukraine

One of its goals is to reduce Ukraine's dependence on the import of mineral resources and increase the country's export potential 

Environmental violations with the greatest damage for December 7-13. Digest
Environmental violations with the greatest damage for December 7-13. Digest

Many of these cases have already reached the court, and some of the perpetrators have managed to receive punishment