Russia's key crimes against Ukraine's nature in September

Russia's key crimes against Ukraine's nature in September

Katerina Belousova

It will take about a year for demining of the Kyiv region

Experts of the project "Activation of the ecological front: together to victory" have prepared an overview of russia's crimes against Ukraine's environment for September 2022.

During the month, the communities of Sumy region were constantly bombarded with mortars, barrel artillery, grenade launchers, MLRS and machine guns, on September 28 there were 200 "arrivals" in Sumy regions, reports "Ecology. Right. Human".

Thus, on September 29, 55 explosions were recorded in one hour in the border areas of Chernihiv and Sumy regions, in particular in the Shalyginsky Landscape Reserve of national significance.

On September 28, 77 explosions were fired at the border area of ​​Chernihiv region, and 200 "arrivals" were recorded in Sumy region. Also, 170 arrivals were registered in Sumy region on September 20 and 140 on September 24.

September 17:

  • the russian military base on the territory of the Radivoniv forest reserve of national significance in the Zaporizhzhia region was destroyed;
  • russian troops shelled the Slavyansk TPP, which caused a fire and equipment damage;
  • the occupiers flooded 9 wagons in the Dnipro River in the area of ​​the Kakhovskaya HPP to create a crossing. Such equipment pollutes the water environment, and fuel and lubricant elements, weapons and other parts thereof can pose a serious threat to the environment.

September 18:

  • a man and about 100 animals on a farm were killed as a result of shelling in the village of Volfine in Sumy;
  • in the occupied territories of the Luhansk region in the cities, the risk of destruction of green spaces was recorded due to the destroyed heating infrastructure and lack of firewood.

September 19:

  • russian troops launched a missile attack on the Southern Ukrainian NPP, which damaged the building;
  • shelling of water treatment facilities in the city of Kharkiv.

September 20:

  • russian troops tried to destroy the dam of the Pecheneg reservoir in the Kharkiv region.

September 21:

  • shelling of the Zaporizhzhia NPP equipment was damaged.

September 21:

  • repeated shelling of the dam of the Pecheneg reservoir destroyed the lock.

September 21:

  • russian troops shelled Mount Kremenets, a complex natural monument in the city of Izyum, and destroyed a thousand-year-old stone Polovtsian woman.

September 30:

  • a transport enterprise in Dnipro was destroyed by shelling, as a result of a fire, 52 buses were burnt, another 98 were damaged.

It was noted that in Kharkiv region, in particular, in Malinivska, Chkalivska, and Pecheniez communities, the police urge people to refrain from returning home due to the high risk of landmines.

Thus, on September 22, utility workers and a rescue worker were blown up by landmines in Kharkiv region, in total, according to the police report, 8 people were blown up by landmines that day. On September 24, 2 more people were blown up by mines in the forest. Significant areas of the region require demining.

Also, part of the territory of Kyiv region remains mined. According to the deputy head of the State Emergency Service, it will take about a year to clear it.

In addition, the Black Sea is polluted with mines, which is especially dangerous during a storm.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that the deputy minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Yevgeny Fedorenko stated that the estimated amount of damage, which russian troops inflicted on Ukraine's nature has already reached $35 billion and is growing every day.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Ruslan Strilets said that the damage from russian aggression for the environment of Kharkiv region reached 83 billion UAH.

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