Naftogaz helps install solar power plants in Ukrainian medical institutions

Naftogaz helps install solar power plants in Ukrainian medical institutions 

Hanna Velyka

A total of 9 hospitals will receive backup power supplies

Naftohaz Group, together with the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Energy and Housing and Communal Services, has launched a project to equip medical institutions with solar power plants.

The company described its initiative, titled “Solar Energy for Hospitals”, on its own website.

The project provides funding for the construction of SES on the roofs of hospitals in those regions where Naftogaz companies conduct their production activities.

“Healthcare institutions should be energy autonomous and independently provide themselves with electricity. After all, people's lives sometimes depend on the availability of a stable power supply,” Naftogaz Group head Oleksiy Chernyshev said confidently.

He said that the company had already installed solar power plants on the roofs of medical institutions in Kharkiv, Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.

The head of the board also said that under the program, 9 hospitals will receive reliable backup power sources to meet their electricity needs during outages.

As EcoPolitics previously reported, the company "British American Tobacco Ukraine" invested in recent years, about 80 million UAH in improving the energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of its enterprise.

We also told you that the experience of installing SES in Zhytomyr City Hospital No. 2 turned out to be very successful, so here installed a second solar power plant .

In 2024, the share of RES in Ukraine's energy balance amounted to almost 11%.
In 2024, the share of RES in Ukraine's energy balance amounted to almost 11%.

This corresponds to a value of 11 million MWh

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