A large-scale fire broke out on peat bogs in Volyn. Photo

A large-scale fire broke out on peat bogs in Volyn. Photo

Katerina Belousova

During peat fires, dangerous substances are formed, including carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen and carbon oxides

In Volyn in A large-scale fire occurred on a peatland in the Pobolottia tract in the Kamin-Kashir region.

It took rescuers about two hours to localize the fire, reports the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Volyn region on Facebook.


It is noted that 5 powerful water cannons were used to extinguish the fire.

"To find out the cause of the fire, law enforcement officers and employees of the Kamin-Kashirsky State Emergency Service are working on the spot," the message says.

Previously, the DSNS explained that peat fires are the result of the ignition of an ordinary or dried peat bog. Peat smolders, and if the fire penetrates more than one and a half meters deep into the soil, even heavy rains cannot extinguish it.


As you know, it is formed during peat fires carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen and carbon oxides . These substances are dangerous for the environment and people nearby.


Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in Volyn, law enforcement officers detained the head of the regional administration while receiving the last tranche of a bribe of 19,000 UAH for the issuance of a permit for the emission of pollutants into the atmospheric air.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, in Poltava Oblast during 2023, 833 fires occurred in natural ecosystems, in which two people died during dry burning. The number of fires increased by 8.2% compared to 2022.

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