Tons of toxic chemicals have been lying in the open air in Odesa for 45 years Shutterstock

Tons of toxic chemicals have been lying in the open air in Odesa for 45 years

Katerina Belousova

Odesa OVA assured that they understand the importance and urgency of the problem of disposal of hazardous waste

Oleh Kiper, the head of Odesa OVA, said that the administration will make a decision on the disposal of 147 tons of toxic chemicals in the village of Altestov, which have been in the open since 1978.

Currently, dangerous chemicals are stored in leaky soft containers of the big-bag type, reports Bessarabia INFORM.

It is noted that due to the leakage of toxic chemicals in 2016, a mass plague of fish already occurred in the Khadzhibey estuary, near which the toxic landfill is located. Toxic waste appeared on the shore of the estuary after the Mozdok ship sank in 1978.

The article emphasized that Kiper's statement was a response to the appeal of local activists.

"This situation requires an immediate solution in order to prevent irreversible consequences in the event of an emergency situation associated with the possible leakage of prohibited and unusable pesticides on the territory of nearby settlements and into the waters of the Khadzhibey estuary, which will immediately affect the health of local residents living on coast of the estuary, as well as to irreversible consequences for the components of the surrounding natural environment," the residents of the Usativ community said in the appeal.

Kiper assured that he understands how important and urgent the problem of disposal of hazardous waste is.

"I see your numerous requests for urgent disposal. I understand how important and urgent it is, particularly in today's conditions. In the near future, the administration will make a decision and inform the residents of Odesa about it," he said.

Earlier, EcoPoliic wrote, that in 2021 Odesa State Administration asked for help from the Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry of Infrastructure to urgently dispose of almost 150 tons of toxic chemicals from a ship that sank in 1972

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