Modern equipment for the processing of organic waste was installed in the Kyiv region

Modern equipment for the processing of organic waste was installed in the Kyiv region

Katerina Belousova

Such processing significantly reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills

In the Kyiv region, the company "Obuhivmiskvtorresursy" installed new equipment for the processing of organic waste Tiger ‎Depak.

This is the first such equipment in Ukraine, which allows you to separate waste into dry and wet fractions for further processing and gas production, reports PP "Obuhivmiskvtorresursy" on Facebook.

The report said that this will increase the level of waste sorting in Ukraine. And it will also significantly reduce the negative impact of garbage and waste on the environment, soils, underground and surface water, etc. In addition, such processing significantly reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

It is noted that the raw materials for the sorting machine are prepared by four sorters who sort textile and abrasive materials. After all, glass and stones can damage the equipment.

The report explained that the prepared waste enters the machine through an inclined conveyor, enters a magnetic separator and a self-cleaning magnet. In the centrifuge, that is, the working area, the raw material is divided into two fractions:

  • light raw materials from packaging and polymers rise up and are subject to further processing;
  • the second, that is, the heavy fraction, remains in the centrifuge. Impact shovels grind such waste to the consistency of puree.

"Constant improvement in the professional field and improvement of the environment is the mission of our company!" emphasized in the message.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in Transcarpathia, in the village of Yanoshi, preparatory work began with construction of a waste sorting plant.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Ruslan Strelets said that all landfills must be closed, recultivate and forget about them as a terrible dream.

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