Ministry of Natural Resources to discuss updated BAT with the public

Ministry of Natural Resources to discuss updated BAT with the public

Katerina Belousova

The discussion will take place on February 8 in an online format

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources will hold a round table to discuss documents for the development and approval of conclusions from best available techniques and management practices (BATs).

Documents can be viewed and discussed representatives of industry, the public, academia, authorities and other stakeholders, reports Ministry of Natural Resources.

These reference reference documents are approved by the European Commission. They will be used to develop and validate BAT conclusions at the national level.

The discussion will focus on BAT for:

  • iron and steel production/Iron and Steel Production (IS);
  • production of cement, lime and magnesium oxide/Production of Cement, Lime and Magnesium Oxide (CLM);
  • energy efficiency/Energy Efficiency (ENE).

The round table will be held on February 8, 2023, on the online platform. To participate in the event, you should register by link until February 3rd.

"The time of the event, the agenda and the link will be additionally sent to all registered representatives," the press service said.

The report stressed that BAT was developed to implement Directive 2010/75/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of November 24, 2010 "On Industrial Emissions (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control)", which is Ukraine's obligation under the Association Agreement with the EU.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources published the first reference documents from the best available technologies and management practices.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, the German government will provide for Ukrainian enterprises €2 million grants for BAT projects (best available techniques and management practices) and reduction of industrial emissions.

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