Kherson will process and sell construction waste shutterstock

Kherson will process and sell construction waste

Anna Velyka

The city plans to make a profit from it

In Kherson, a pilot project for the processing, treatment and subsequent sale of construction waste was launched.

This was announced by the head of the Kherson MBA Roman Mrochko.

He said that in 2 weeks Kherson will already have the necessary equipment. The head of the city council stated that some time would be spent on training specialists who would work on it.

He also said that the city council plans to implement recycled construction waste, which is formed as a result of shelling of the occupation forces.

"By the end of the year, we expect the first batches of material for sale. Our experts have studied the market. The price of such products ranges from 240 to 280 hryvnia per ton and is competitive, "said Roman Mrochko.

To store construction debris, a separate site was equipped in the city. 2,000 tons of garbage have already been brought here after the destruction.

The head of the MBA stated that the destruction is increasing every day, but expressed hope that the work started will help to build up the Kherson community faster. He also said that partners from Japan help the people of Kherson to eliminate major damage to buildings. Roman Mrochko said that this country has tremendous experience, as it often suffers from earthquakes that lead to large-scale destruction.

In April, EcoPolitic published photos of chaotic garbage dumps in the Kherson region, which appear because the workers of communal services cannot get there due to constant Russian shelling.

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