Industrial pollution reform: what is known about the current level of readiness for implementation shutterstock

Industrial pollution reform: what is known about the current level of readiness for implementation

Hanna Velyka

The Law of Ukraine "On Integrated Prevention and Control of Industrial Pollution" will come into force on August 8 this year

As of February 28, 10 reference documents on best available technologies and management practices (BAT) out of the required 26 have been translated, and 3 resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine have been adopted regarding the procedure for issuing an integrated environmental permit.

This was reported by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine.

What needs to be done to make the provisions of the law on industrial pollution work

The ministry said that before the document comes into force on August 8, the following is required:

  • The Ministry of Ecology should develop and the government should adopt 12 resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers and “several” orders of the ministry;
  • bring other regulations in line with the law;
  • launch an electronic system for issuing integrated permits;
  • continue to translate European reference documents and BAT opinions and approve them at the national level.

At the open dialogue “State of Implementation of the Industrial Pollution Prevention Reform,” Bohdan Semenenko, Director of the Department of Industrial Pollution Prevention and Climate Policy of the Ministry of Ecology, reported that the following bylaws should be developed for the law on industrial pollution: 12 resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and 3 orders of the Ministry of Environment.


What has been done so far

According to the Ministry, as of February 28, the following tasks have been completed:

  1. 10 BAT reference documents have been translated.
  2. The Procedure for the Development and Approval of BAT was adopted.
  3. The form and requirements for the content of conclusions on the issuance of an integrated environmental permit were approved.
  4. The Procedure for Conducting a Reconciliation Meeting on the Issuance of an Integrated Environmental Permit was established.
  5. The Procedure for Organizing and Holding Public Hearings in the Process of Issuing an Integrated Environmental Permit has been determined.


What documents are almost ready for approval

The Ministry of Ecology reported that the preparation is in the final stages:

  1. The procedure for conducting transboundary consultations in the process of issuing an integrated environmental permit.
  2. Procedure for maintaining the Unified State Register of Integrated Environmental Permits.
  3. Requirements to the content and form of the report on public discussion in the process of issuing an integrated environmental permit (amendments thereto).

You can read more about the list and plans for the preparation of bylaws and regulations to the Law of Ukraine No. 3855-IX “On Integrated Industrial Pollution Prevention and Control” in our material.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, on January 7, the government adopted a resolution approving a unified form and content requirements for conclusions on the issuance of integrated environmental permits to Ukrainian industrial enterprises.

On January 28, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the Procedure for Conducting a Reconciliation Meeting on the Issuance of an Integrated Environmental Permit. Almost a month later, on February 21, Minister of Environmental Protection Svitlana Hrynchuk announced the approval of the Procedure for holding public hearings in the process of issuing an integrated environmental permit.

Law No. 3855-IX on industrial pollution: what bylaws should be expected in the near future
Law No. 3855-IX on industrial pollution: what bylaws should be expected in the near future

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