In Poltava region, a company set up an open-air dump of animal remains

In Poltava region, a company set up an open-air dump of animal remains

Anna Velyka

Its manager risks being behind bars for up to 6 years

An unauthorized landfill with cattle remains was discovered near the village of Velykyi Trostianets, Poltava district, organized by a local processing company. It caused soil contamination over an area of almost 1.5 hectares.

This was reported by the Poltava Regional Prosecutor's Office.

The remains of cattle and 39 tags used to chip cattle were found at the site. Also, a person was caught red-handed who had taken animal by-products to the land plot on a tractor with a trailer. The worker came here from a local company.


Currently, investigators of the prosecutor's office have conducted searches at the company's legal address and are analyzing the seized documentation. They also carry out identification of animals based on the detected tags, and the selected soil samples were sent to the State Ecological Inspection of the Central District for research and calculation of the damage caused to the state.

The pre-trial investigation is conducted according to Part 2 of Art. 239 "Pollution of land with substances, waste as a result of violation of special rules, if it created a danger for the environment" and Part 2 of Art. 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Abuse of an official position that caused grave consequences." Sanctions of the articles provide, respectively, restriction of freedom for a period of 2 to 5 years or deprivation of liberty for the same period, with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years or without such, as well as deprivation of liberty for a period of 3 to 6 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to 3 years, with a fine of 500 to 1,000 tax-free minimum incomes of citizens.

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