How the National Park "Kamianska Sich" lives now, where the front line has passed twice Сергій Скорик

How the National Park "Kamianska Sich" lives now, where the front line has passed twice

Anna Velyka

It is actually on the battle line

Ivan Moisienko, an ecologist with the Ukrainian Nature Protection Group (UNPG), spoke about the environmental problems of the Kamianska Sich National Nature Park, which has survived the occupation and is now under constant shelling.

The video of his story was posted by the UPG on its Facebook page.

The Kamianska Sich National Park was established in 2019, so it has existed under war for almost half of its history. This object of the nature reserve fund has not only environmental but also historical significance, as the Cossack Kamianska Sich was located on this territory, and there is also a burial place with an authentic cross of Ataman Kostia Hordiienko and Ataman Vasyl Yerofeevych.

According to the expert, the full-scale invasion had a great impact on the park's ecosystems. It came under occupation on March 8, 2022, and was liberated by the Armed Forces on November 11 of the same year. At the time of liberation, virtually the entire territory of Kamianska Sich was mined.

Ivan Moisienko said that during the full-scale war, there were dozens of fires on the territory of the park. The construction of fortifications, dugouts, trenches, caponirs of various sizes also caused great damage to the natural cover.

Катерина Полянська

Photo: Kateryna Polyanska

On the territory of the national park, there is a lot of broken machinery that managed to destroy hectares of the steppe with its tracks. It also became the cause of environmental pollution of "Kamyanska Sich" with fuel and lubricant materials and combustion products of machinery.

The Russian occupiers cut down a large number of trees during their stay on the territory of the NPP. They left huge dumpsters at their places of stay.

Іван Мойсієнко

Photo: Ivan Moisienko

The expert also stated that the action of all these destructive factors affects the biota. Many species of plants, including red-listed ones, were destroyed.

Ivan Moisienko emphasized that even now, after the liberation, the territory of the park is actually on the line of combat. Therefore, it is regularly shelled and remotely mined.

"The apotheosis of the impact was the undermining of the Kakhovskaya HPP dam. Then the water ecosystems of the park were drained almost instantly. A huge number of aquatic animals and plants died," he said.

The other day, EcoPolitic reported that damage to the nature of the Kinburn Spit after the occupation will be counted in billions.

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